Assignment Configuration Settings

This article explains how to configure assignments in Inspera Originality, detailing the available options and offering guidance on navigation. Inspera Originality offers advanced assignment configuration options, providing greater flexibility and customization.

Assignment Details 

Here, users can define essential settings such as the assignment name, description, start and end dates. Additionally, users can enable Translation Similarity and select up to three languages for inclusion in the analysis. This section also allows users to activate Contextual Similarity, which assesses submissions for contextual matches with sources, complementing the similarity analysis.

Assignment Details

Assignment Name 

This is where users can specify the assignment name 



This is where users can specify the corresponding assignment subject

Start Date

This is where users can specify the start date for the assignment 

End Date

This is where users can specify the end date for the assignment 

Translation Similarity

Translation similarity refers to the languages included in the translation similarity analysis. This means Inspera Originality will compare the submitted document with others in the chosen languages. Users can select up to 3 languages for this analysis.

Contextual Similarity

This option offers insights into the contextual similarity between sentences in the document and those from matching sources, enhancing the similarity analysis. While similarity checking assesses the direct commonalities between two sentences, contextual similarity explores how the contexts of these sentences are related.

Enable AI Prediction

This option activates the AI prediction feature. When turned on, the system evaluates the submission to determine if it was written by AI. Depending on the predicted level of AI authorship, users will receive an AI Authorship index in the originality report.

Additional Settings

Additional settings offer various options that impact the originality-checking process.

Note: Some of these settings provide further configuration capabilities once activated, allowing users to customize them to better meet specific requirements.


Document Archive 

This option enables archiving student submissions. These archived submissions will be stored in a dedicated repository for future reference, aiding in the detection of potential student collusion within the institution.

Late Submissions

This option enables users to allow late submissions after the submission deadline has passed. Users must specify a deadline for late submissions. 


This option allows users to resubmit assignments after an initial submission. Users must set a limit on the number of allowed resubmissions.

Excluded Source Criteria

This option enables the exclusion of sources with a similarity percentage below a specified threshold from the Originality Report. This feature helps focus on sources with higher similarity levels. For instance, if the threshold is set to 5%, sources with less than 5% similarity will be excluded from the report. This setting can be modified at any time.

Anonymous Submission

Anonymous submission is an assignment-level setting designed for privacy, which hides student names and information from the user interface when enabled. This option can be activated or deactivated at any time, even after the assignment has been created.

Exclude Citations

This option allows educators to exclude citations from the Originality Report, enabling them to focus on issues related to integrity and similarity, such as exact matches and potentially altered text. Educators can also reverse this setting whenever necessary

Submission Word Limit

This option enables setting a maximum word count for document submissions. Documents that exceed the specified limit cannot be uploaded.  The limit can be adjusted or removed as required.


This option enables users to establish a custom threshold for Contextual Similarity. It allows for the specification of a percentage that defines what constitutes a significant level of Contextual Similarity.

Include URLs

In addition to scanning the web for matching sources, Inspera Originality allows users to add specific sources as URLs to include in the originality-checking process.

Exclude URLs

Similarly, Inspera Originality allows users to specify certain sources to be excluded from the originality-checking process.

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