Inspera Originality Canvas SpeedGrader Direct Integration

Inspera Originality Canvas SpeedGrader Direct Integration

Inspera Originality is now seamlessly integrated with Canvas LMS, enabling users to configure courses and assignments directly within Canvas without needing to access Inspera Originality separately within the platform. 

Users can upload documents for Originality checking within Canvas and review Originality Reports for their submissions. Additionally, courses and assignments created in Canvas are automatically synchronized with Inspera Originality. 

Moreover, Canvas LMS now supports integration with the standalone version of Inspera Originality, providing users convenient access to Originality Reports for assignments created in Canvas directly through the standalone Inspera Originality platform.

Adding Inspera Originality

Begin by logging into your Canvas account

Admin > Select Account (e.g. Inspera Assessment) > Settings

Once inside Settings, click Apps tab > View App Configuration > +App

Set the configuration type to By LTI 2 Registration URL and add the registration URL provided by the Inspera team. Lastly, click Launch Registration Tool, which will trigger a pop-up prompting the user to enable the newly added application. 

Clicking Enable will add the new app to the list of installed external apps. 


Adding Inspera Originality to a new Canvas assignment

To add Inspera Originality to a new assignment in Canvas, navigate to a Course and create a new assignment. 

Select a Course > +Assignment

After filling in the generic information fields, proceed to the Submission Type and Plagiarism Review sections. 

Enable Text Entry and File uploads in the Submission Type section. 

Select Inspera Originality in the Plagiarism Review section. 

Additionally, here you can also specify the following configurations: 

Original Language: Language set for the Original Language Similarity analysis

Translated Language: Language set for the Translated Language Similarity analysis 

AI Text Prediction: AI Text prediction capability to determine the likelihood of potentially AI-generated content 

Note: The AI Authorship Prediction feature is currently available exclusively in English and may not provide accurate analysis for texts in other languages.

Archive:  Store documents in the database to check for student collusion

Exclude sources below (x) percentage: Exclude sources below a specified similarity threshold e.g. 5% 

Anonymous Submission: Conceal student submission information from the UI

Exclude Citations: Exclude citations from the Originality Report 

Submission Word Limit: Specify the maximum number of words a submission can contain.

Lastly, set a date for the new assignment and click Save & Publish

How to upload as a student

To upload as a student user, navigate to a course and select an assignment.

Once inside the assignment page, click Start Assignment > Upload File. Once the file is uploaded simply click the Submit button. 

Note: Make sure to check the I agree to the tool’s End User License Agreement checkbox.

How to access the Originality Report as a professor

To access the Originality Report as a professor in Canvas, navigate to a course and select an assignment. 

Once inside the assignment page, click on SpeedGrader in the upper right-hand corner. 

The submission document will open in a new browser tab which professors can grade from.  Clicking on the document’s similarity percentage will open the Originality Report in another browser tab. 

How to access the Originality Report as a student

To access the Originality Report as a student, navigate to a course and enter the assignments page. 

From here, click on Grades from the left side menu. 

Once inside Grades, click on an assignment’s name to view the Submissions Details page. 

Clicking on the document’s similarity percentage will open the Originality Report in another browser tab. 

How to access the Originality Report in the standalone application

To access the Originality Report in the standalone application version of Inspera Originality, simply navigate to the Submissions section and click the Report button for a given submission. 

Alternatively, to utilize pre-set assignment and submission filters click  Academic Units > Total Subjects (Click Assignment Number) > Total Submissions (Click Submission Number) > Report Button.

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