Inspera product rebranding explainer

Inspera is going through a rebranding exercise, resulting in two product name changes:

  1. Inspera Exam Portal (IEP) is now named Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB)
  2. Inspera Smarter Proctoring is now named Inspera Proctoring

We are currently in the process of updating both our product and support information to reflect these changes, and they will come into effect in the January 2024 release.

Inspera Integrity Browser

Whilst in most cases the term  ‘Inspera Exam Portal’ will be directly substituted with ‘Inspera Integrity Browser’, there are some references in the product where you will see the new name is also followed by  ‘(previously Inspera Exam Browser)’. This additional information is only included when we believe it necessary, to provide further clarification to our users.

Changes within the Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB) application: 

  • Version 1.16.0 will be released in January 2024 and will be the first version to include the new name. There will be no name change to the versions of IEP that we currently support (1.14 and 1.15 series). 

  • Only customers who use the latest version, 1.16.0, will see the name changes in the application itself

  • Version 1.16.0 will also have a new Inspera app logo:

Changes within Inspera Assessment:

  • There will be some instances where the Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB) name is changed within the Test Player or Inspera Assessment, and therefore will be visible to all users from January 2024, irrespective of whether IIB version 1.16.0 is used. In these cases we will ensure that the new name is followed by a caption reading ‘(previously Inspera Exam Browser)’

  • You will notice that the Test Setup setting for Inspera Exam Portal will change to read ‘Inspera Integrity Browser’. Again this will be followed by ‘(previously Inspera Exam Browser)’ for the remainder of this academic year, to provide clarity to Planners. Although this setting will be renamed, it will have no impact on tests.

Inspera Proctoring

From the January 2024 release onwards, Inspera Smarter Proctoring will be referred to as Inspera Proctoring. This will involve a minor naming change in the Test Setup settings but will have no impact on tests.

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