This is available for Candidates.
With One-Way Navigation enabled in tests, backtracking is disabled, and the flow becomes linear. Rest assured, the system provides clear warnings to ensure you are aware of the One-Way Navigation format. This article will guide you through the various user flows you may encounter while taking a test with One-Way Navigation.
How One-Way Navigation Works
As you enter your test, you'll encounter a prompt notifying you that One-Way Navigation is activated. The following prompt will appear:
- "This test uses One-Way Navigation. You will not be able to return to a question once you've provided a response to it. You must confirm that you understand this before you can start the test."
To continue with your test, click I understand, and begin your test.
Submit a Response
When you complete answering a question and select 'next,' the following prompt will appear:
- "Submit your response? This test uses One-Way Navigation. Once you've submitted your response you will not be able to return to this question."
This prompt serves as a reminder to ensure that you are aware of your intention to submit your response, given that backtracking is not possible.
- In certain tests, your instructor may provide an option for you to use a 'Do not show me again' setting. If enabled, this setting allows you to suppress this prompt in subsequent questions.
Submit a Blank Response
If you submit a blank question and select 'next,' the following prompt will appear:
- "Submit a blank response? You are about to submit a blank response to this question. Once you've submitted your response you will not be able to return to this question."
This is to ensure that you are intentionally submitting a blank response. Once submitted, you won't have the option to revisit or modify your answer to this question. Please proceed only if you are certain about submitting a blank response.
One Way-Navigation Offline
In certain scenarios, your institution may opt to restrict you from proceeding if your internet connection is lost. Re-establishing an internet connection is necessary before you can resume the test.
The following prompt will appear:
- "No internet connection - unable to submit" If was not possible to submit your response as you are not connected to the internet. Please try again once you have re-established your connection to the internet."
Once you have successfully reestablished your internet connection, you can return to the test and resume your examination as usual. Simply click 'Return to question' to continue where you left off.
- If you leave the test and come back later, you will resume on the last unsubmitted question.