Assessment path - Graders

This is available for Graders.


This feature is not compatible with any Lockdown Browsers such as Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB) and Safe Exam Browser (SEB).


How to mark on the Assessment path

Tests must be graded before the grading starts on the Assessment path. 


In the default view, you have an overview of the following columns on the Assessment path level:

  • ID: Candidate ID
  • Title: Assessment path name
  • Attendance: The total number of Assessments the candidate participated in
  • Final result: Final result on the Assessment path
  • Grades: Final grade on the Assessment path
  • Points: Total points accumulated from all the child tests
  • Committee: The committee the candidate is a part of

To get an overview of all the tests, expand the row by clickingExpand.

In the expanded view, you have an overview of the following columns on the Assessment path:

  • ID: Candidate ID
  • Title: Test name
  • Attendance: Displays whether the candidate attended the test
  • Final result: Result on the test
  • Grades: Grade on the test
  • Points: Total points accumulated on the test
  • Committee: The committee the candidate is a part of


  1. The right-hand panel displays the Candidate overview. Choose a grade by selecting the Your grade dropdown. 
    • In Open Beta, grades must be set manually.
  2. Share and Confirm your grades.

To learn more about the Grader workflow, visit the Help Center article Grader workflow - Align marks.


If Explanations have been requested, Explanations can be edited by all co-graders, and can be sent when grading has been confirmed.

  • Explanations are displayed within the Candidate dashboard.

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